screening resumes

Internal Communication

As a live call answering service, communication is our specialty. Day in, day out, we say hello to the customers of our small business clients, screen calls, and answer questions for them. Though we specialize in communication with the outside world, we don’t stop there. Internal communication is important for all businesses, big or small. […]

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resume screening

The Hiring Process: Resume Screening

So, you’re trying to find good employees. Let’s say you’ve posted your job offering on a major site, gone to a job fair and you’ve done the proper advertising for the position. The applications and resumes have come through. A lot of them. How do you go about sorting through job candidates? The hiring process […]

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managing stress at work

Managing Work-Related Stress

Did you know that 1/3 of workers report high levels of stress? Or that 1/4 of employees view their job as the number one stressor in their lives? These aren’t good stats, especially for a small business owner to hear! It’s very important to nip stress in the bud, as stress is a major cause […]

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