Category Archives for "Small Business"

don't miss out because of poor time management

Time Management Tips and Tricks

Running a small business is hard, no doubt. The pressure of meeting demands and deadlines can cause stress and even sleep loss. Time management is a skill that is hard to master for most, if not all, business owners. There are added difficulties for those who run internet-based businesses, digital nomads, and those who work […]

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business text messaging for customer service

What is Call Screening?

You sometimes forget when terms come off as jargon when you work in the phone call answering service industry. We know what call screening is, but we realize that not everyone does. If you’ve heard the term before, but aren’t quite sure of the ins and outs of call screening or the tools and services for […]

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5 telephone etiquette for receptionists

Why is a Receptionist Important?

Are you considering hiring a receptionist? Not sure if you’re ready to commit to another full time employee? Why is a receptionist important, after all? Read below for a full understanding of what a receptionist does, the importance of a receptionist in your company, and some alternatives to a traditional receptionist. Receptionist Definition According to […]

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