Automated Customer Service, has technology replaced people?

Automated Customer Service: A Modern Dilemma

Businesses are turning their backs on traditional phone answering services as technology advances. They’re instead opting to connect your phone call through an automated customer service line, or interactive voice response services. If you don’t already know the term, you know the feeling. You call your bank to resolve an issue and you begin navigating […]

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Why you should think locally when hiring an answering service

Why A Local Answering Service Is Better For Your Small Business

Savvy business leaders know that a call answering service can provide much-needed customer support after regular working hours and during holidays. They also know that choosing the right service provider isn’t always easy. It can be difficult for a business leader to decide whether they should hire a local receptionist service or outsource to a foreign provider. […]

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Answering Service Fees Explained: 7 You Haven’t Considered

Your business is growing, and fast. Maybe you’ve come to realize you need a Houston Answering Service. But, which one should you choose? When looking at your options, price is usually a big determining factor. However, Answering service fees vary greatly. In every industry, there are different billing practices, rates, and corresponding products and services. The […]

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