Small Business Owner Introver

Age of the Introvert Business Owner

As a small business owner, do you find the most difficult part of running your company to be a menial task like making or answering calls? Do you feel exhausted or defeated upon the ending of each business meeting? If so, you might be an introvert. Introverts have started speaking up more in recent years […]

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answering service employee

Benefits of Having A Virtual Receptionist Service That You Wouldn’t Expect

It’s challenging for a small business owner to run daily operations and keep up with phone calls. I spoke with many business leaders before the holidays and each found themselves in a dilemma. They were torn between taking customer calls, handling personal matters, and overseeing all the ins and outs of their businesses. Many small businesses […]

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Automated Customer Service, has technology replaced people?

Automated Customer Service: A Modern Dilemma

Businesses are turning their backs on traditional phone answering services as technology advances. They’re instead opting to connect your phone call through an automated customer service line, or interactive voice response services. If you don’t already know the term, you know the feeling. You call your bank to resolve an issue and you begin navigating […]

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